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Our Sabre GDS is proven to return the best value fare for given parameters. We go further than this for each of our accounts.

​We enroll and manage “back end/soft dollar” accounts with airlines and other companies for you. All regular tariff tickets issued are fed through these accounts. The funds accrued via these programs helps to fund the travel expenses. Travelers keep their miles and overall the expenditure goes down. High cost tickets are offset causing a significant reduction in costs.

Upgrades from back end accounts mean people travelling in business class pay economy class fares.

We have created bulk/unpublished ticket contracts via a variety of sources. These offer massive reductions over regular published fares.

We ticket intelligently and use multi directional tickets to reduce costs further.

We take into consideration status and award status where it is beneficial.

​We are at the forefront of the new NDC technology.

In short it is normal for our accounts to see a travel spend decrease of around 30% based on the usual travel mix of International/Domestic and Business/Economy class mix. Of course, the savings will be greater when you factor in our real time trip monitoring services. Please see our “Accounting” pages for real time data showing the savings our established accounts enjoy.

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